
Showing posts from January, 2024

Catching up after the Holidays

  Dear Family and Friends, The month of December was very busy and before we knew it the New Year arrived.  We will try to catch up with everything that happened. First, we want to tell you about our trip to the Rome Temple at the end of November. The stake and district sponsored a temple trip for all youth and young single adults in Albania. It was held during the last week in November when Albania celebrates Independence Day and Liberation Day so there were fewer issues with missing school and/or work. We were not planning on going, but just a couple of weeks before the scheduled trip, we were asked to go and help with the food, and also help with the youth from our branch. Another senior missionary couple from Tirana was asked to be in charge of the food and they asked us to help. Three young women and two young men from our branch signed up to go with two young women leaders. Unfortunately, one of the young men got sick just hours before we left, so he was not able to go. ...